At last Friday's Critical Mass bike ride, a cyclist stopped in front of a Zipcar after moving in to opposing traffic. His bike was struck by the car when it began to move again, and he attacked the car with a U-lock when it attempted to leave the scene.

That's all in the above video, with excruciating slow motion effects to boot.

With regard to the incident, Officer Albie Esparza — who yesterday wrote that "nothing that has been reported to SFPD so far," — now tells SFist that the SFPD "are going to initiate a report to document this case."

That will be assigned to an investigator, who will reach out to Zipcar to attempt to locate a party involved. SFist has been so far unable to reach that company for comment.

"We are hoping to speak with both parties involved to obtain a full picture of what happened," Esparza writes.

Meanwhile, the incident has left those close to or previously aligned with Critical Mass to quickly distance themselves from that organization. Further, they emphasize that Critical Mass is not an organization at all, and therefore there is no one to take responsibility for the actions of Critical Mass participants.

"You should see the hate mail pouring in to right now!" writes Hugh D'Andrade, who runs that Critical Mass-focused website but was quick to share that he no longer rides with the group and bristled at being seen as a mouthpiece for SF Critical Mass.

The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition also appears eager to distance itself from the non-group and Friday's event, emailing SFist to request removal of a passage that suggested the two agencies were aligned.

When asked for comment on the incident, the Coalition declined, instead issuing this boilerplate response:

"Over 5,000 people took one of our safety education classes last year, and we always encourage folks to follow the rules of the road and bike politely."

Last, in a bit of frankly delicious irony, the Chronicle points to the shirt worn by the cyclist.

Previously: When A Zipcar Hits His Bike, One Critical Mass Cyclist Attacks With A U-Lock