A San Francisco man named Ryan, who's only going by his first name for press purposes at the moment, has just launched a small site in support of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential bid, and he was out in Dolores Park on Sunday selling tank tops and t-shirts that say, "I'd Bottom for Hillary."

Ryan had a cardboard cutout of Hillary that he was toting around, and that he got a couple of local nudists to pose with. And he's set up an Instagram account, where he's encouraging others to post with the hashtag #BottomForHillary. As he explains to Fusion, "With bottoming, there’s a lot that goes into it. A lot of homosexuals understand the concept. Bottoming for someone takes a lot of trust and understanding."

And he insists this is a sincere campaign, even though at least one Republican commenter on one of his Instagram posts assumed this was satire. "It really is a compliment to Hillary,” he says. "[Being willing to bottom for her is] kind of the same relationship that a lot of people have with Hillary Clinton.”

Below, some examples from yesterday. You can buy your own T or tank here.

Outfit on FLEEK for Sunday's announcement!!#2moredays #yeskween #yeskween

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Bottoms for a better America

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A photo posted by I'd Bottom for Hillary (@bottomforhillary) on

Bottoms for a better America!

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