South Korean gossip headlines Saturday were all about Bobby Kim, a famous Korean pop star who was escorted off a flight at SFO by FBI and airport security following some drunken lunacy on board, as The Korean Times reports. But Kim's agents told the Daily Mail that he has an excuse.

The 41-year-old started drinking when he learned he would have to fly economy. He blacked out about five hours into the flight, reportedly shouting at and harassing a female airline attendant. "He does not exactly remember what mistakes he made," his record label said.

Then he landed at SFO at 10 a.m.

Kim is sticking around SF for questioning, and because the conduct occurred mid-flight, both South Korea and the US have jurisdiction to investigate. That could be telling, if there's a difference in what each country's investigations find. Korean Air has reportedly filed a complaint against him, too.

Maybe while he's in town, though, Kim will grace us with a performance? Perhaps not in a bar, however.