Every single person who had stock in Twitter all had the best of intentions. Whether 'the best' and 'aligned with each other' could be questioned, I guess. But everybody thought that they were doing the right thing. Nobody was trying to do harm. It was, 'If this thing benefits me, it benefits us all.' Though there were people who came late to try to get as much wealth as they could... [Biz Stone, to The Guardian]

Twitter (and many other things) co-founder Biz Stone apparently published a book last month.

In an interview with the Guardian, Stone denies that his book, entitled Things a Little Bird Told Me: Confessions of the Creative Mind, is intended to refute Nick Bilton's Hatching Twitter, saying that he didn't really read the journalist's expose, and "only skimmed the section about me to make sure I'm not portrayed as a fool."

Stone's book is presently ranked 25,549th on Amazon's book sales list. Bilton's book, which was published in November of lest year, is ranked 72,931st.

In the Guardian interview, Stone promotes not just his book but his company, Jelly, the existence of which many of us had already forgotten. He also touches on apps like Secret and Whisper ("I’m not sure how I feel about anonymity"), San Francisco's tech backlash ("It baffles me that it isn't good. What's the alternative, a ghost town?"), and local legislation (a "lot of arcane city regulations need to be changed but can't be changed overnight"). You can read the entire interview here.