Just a few years ago, Haight and Fillmore was derided as "dicey" (or worse). But these days, at least one landlord appears intent on driving the average San Franciscan out of the area, to be replaced by those who generate significantly more than the city's median income.
It's not clear why, as first reported by Hoodline, all the current residents of a rent-controlled building near Haight and Fillmore received the note you see in the image above, which stated that "The building policy/requirement of a current apartment applicant/resident is that they are able to establish that their minimum annual income is at least $100,000 - additionally required is a minimum FICO credit score of 725."
Though this building is located in the Lower Haight, this landlord is clearly seeking the Upper Crust: as Hoodline notes, "The average credit score in SF is somewhere in the 680 range, and the median household income is about $74,000." Which means that any new residents of this building are breathing some fairly rarefied air.
More confusing, though, is why this note went to the current residents of the property. Tenants rights attorney Joe Tobener is just as flummoxed by the note as we are, telling SFist that in a rent-controlled building, "a tenant can only be evicted for one of fifteen reasons, and cannot be evicted for failing to meet a credit or income threshold."
Emphasizing his point, Tobener tells us that "Once a tenant is in a unit, they are under no obligation to provide any financial information to their landlord, under state or San Francisco law."
Which leaves us to wonder: why, then, was this note "slipped under the door of every unit" in this apartment building?