Infamous Google Glass Explorer/bar assault accuser Sarah Slocum is back in the news today after the Los Angeles Times reported that she admitted two years ago to recording a conversation between her neighbors as she stood outside their living room window.
Jessie Campbell told the LA Times she was living with her husband in Aptos, Calif. near Santa Cruz back in 2012. On May 15 of that year, Campbell and her husband were having a conversation in their living room when she noticed Slocum, who also lived in a cabin on the property at the time, holding up a smartphone to their open window. Although Slocum initially denied any wrongdoing, she later fessed up in court:
The next morning, Campbell filed for a restraining order. Campbell said Slocum later admitted in court she recorded the conversation but said Campbell had no expectation of privacy.A judge granted the restraining order, which prevented Slocum from coming close enough to Campbell's home to record conversations.
Despite the court order, Slocum still believes she did nothing wrong in the 2012 incident. “Anything I recorded them doing, it was recorded in a legal spot,” she told the LA Times, “I didn’t do anything wrong in the past with those people.”
Likewise, Slocum also claimed she did not secretly record anyone with her expensive face computer during last month's incident at Molotov's in San Francisco. That claim didn't quite add up after she handed over her video to local news station KRON4.
As for Slocum herself, she has been getting plenty of on-camera time since the confrontation in the Lower Haight. CNN ran a cheesy a cheesy segment on San Francisco bars banning Glass and Slocum became the subject of a hysterical Inside Edition piece claiming there was a "war" going on in San Francisco.
Previously: Google Glass Assault Video Only Reveals More Conflicting Accounts
Woman Claims She Was Attacked At Punk Rock Bar For Wearing Google Glass
[LA Times]