Well, the gay blogs are making quick work of this one: A Boston-based porn star posted an innocent photo on Facebook, taken yesterday, of himself kissing his husband, and because it was two men with beards, we suppose, someone was able to get it flagged as inappropriate. A war is now ensuing.
Jesse Jackman says that after he posted the above photo, and after a couple thousand likes and a couple hundred comments in less than 24 hours, Facebook sent him a notice saying that he was in violation of their "community standards." Among the comments, he said, were a number of the Christian-based hatred variety, and a couple of death threats from one individual in particular.
The photo, which depicts he and husband Dirk Caber from the shoulders up, is just two men kissing. The end. At least one person who apparently has quite a lot of time for prayer, given the volume of gay kissing that is happening at every second on this planet, wrote, "I will pray for these guys, God loves the sinner, hates the sin."
We're pretty sure it just takes a couple people deeming something "inappropriate" for Facebook to react, but shouldn't someone there have vetted this choice?
Jackman writes:
I received multiple public death threats after posting this photo, endured countless homophobic slurs, and received dozens upon dozens of hate-filled messages, and yet Facebook did nothing about those disgusting comments, choosing to censor love instead of hate This is a travesty. Hate must not be allowed to prevail in this world.
A movement is afoot with the Twitter hashtag #FacebookKissOff, and we'll see if this gets any traction. In any event: sad.
[QueerMeNow - NSFW]
[JoeSpunk - NSFW]