Jeff Bridges in Tron, 1982: he won us over with his raffish charm and weird bodysuit. Now Mission Bicycle wants his sweet lightbike, too.

The Valencia Street purveyors of bikes for city cruising are collaborating with Revolights to release a new round of red and white LED lights that install directly to wheels for side-visibility, safety and a high pretty-darn-cool factor. The project absolutely demolished its Kickstarter goal with $81,333 pledged of its $14,500 goal, which we're guessing means that kids these days are kinda riding their bikes around (or, alternately, not into getting hit at night due to lack of visibility). When the wheels spin, the LEDs create a trippy, the-future-is-now light show that casts red and white light forward and aft.

With the volume of interest on the Kickstarter campaign, we're readying ourselves for an influx of lightbikes on city streets. Which could look a little something like this:

Revolights™. Now landed. from revolights on Vimeo.

Or this:
