After a successful run of live Roseanne episodes and Golden Girls Christmas Specials, the folks from Trannyshack return with their latest take on another classic (or classically trashy) piece of television: HBO's seminal Sex and the City as performed by Heklina, D'Arcy Drollinger, Lady Bear, Trixxie Carr and more.
The show actually began with a sold-out month of performances during Pride month last year, but returned with a open-ended run last week due to popular demand. There are two shows nightly (7 and 9 p.m.) at Rebel on Market Street and each showing is a two-episode block of re-imagined reruns. Trannyshack has a few more details here, but you might as well pop right over to get your tickets because we're told seating is extremely limited. Below, the iconic theme song, in which Heklina/Carrie Bradshaw gets her tutu soaked:
Sex and the City Live!
Every Wednesday at 7 and 9 p.m.
Rebel 1760 Market St. at Octavia