In linkbait news,, billed as "the world’s largest dating-auction website" (i.e., a charitable for straight people), surveyed 3,352 San Francisco ladies in order to determine our city's definition of "the perfect man." The criteria was based on the following qualities: income, education, hair color, eye color, body type, and vice. The results might surprise you. Or not.

According to you SF women, your perfect man earns $200,000 to $300,000 a year, has a graduate degree, sports brown hair with green eyes, has an athletic build, and is a casual drinker who doesn’t smoke. That's amazing because that is exactly what we look for in man offensive and unfair to the many fine men of Baghdad by the Bay. What about the Brain Wilson lookalikes littering the Mission? What about that sexy mixologist you've had your drunk eye on? What about a guy who isn't white?

The survey goes on to point out that San Francisco was the only location to value a man who is educated, a non-smoker, and successful (in that order).