You know that bonfire you and your hippie friends do at Ocean Beach every year on New Year's Day. Find other plans. Tomorrow, New Year's Day, will be the first Spare the Air day for 2013. The first Spare the Air alert of the winter season bans the burning of wood, manufactured fire logs and/or any solid fuel. This goes for both indoors and outdoors.

"Current weather conditions are expected to allow air pollution to build up to unhealthy levels on New Year's Day," BAAQMD executive officer Jack Broadbent said in a statement, who went on to guilt trip,"Sitting by the fire during the holidays may conjure up fond memories but it's important that everyone forgoes burning during this alert so we can all enjoy a happy, healthy holiday."

Fine. Instead, why not take the family and friends to see Les Miserables, the greatest movie of 2012? Better than obvious Oscar bait Django Unchained, the movie that will best be remembered for sparking a million awful Cultural Studies theses.

[SF Appeal]