Tis the week leading up to Christmas. But don't panic. For the remainder of the week, we will post last-minute gift ideas ripe for the plucking, wrapping, and giving. Up next? TaskRabbit.

Did you know that efficient San Francisco-based task and fetch company TaskRabbit will not only pack and ship gifts to loved ones, but they will also wrap your presents for you? Too kind! "Why spend your time trying to figure out how to curl ribbons?" they ask. Indeed. (But if you want to learn, because that rippy scissor-to-ribbon sound is what the holidays are made of, let Judy show you how.)

Do you think that TaskRabbit, who concocted Super Burger Delivery (nee Burgerto.me), would buy and wrap a 4x4 and animal style fries from In-N-Out? Because that's really all we want for Christmas this year: gift-wrapped hamburgers. Anyway, head over to TaskRabbit to learn more about how they can help you gift this year.

Previously: Last-Minute Gift Guide For SF Kids