We hope this isn't just another viral promotional tool for a video camera (we think not, because there are no brand names mentioned), but here's a stunning, kind of moving little HD video that a clever dad made of his four-year-old son's favorite toy, which they tied to a weather balloon with a video camera and sent 18 miles into the stratosphere.

Then it came crashing down and they used a GPS locator to retrieve it in the middle of a field. Basically, he made magic for his son.

And yes, the dad works in some graphics capacity and was able to animate the toy train's face so that it "bring[s] him to life how I imagine my son sees him."

Also, here's an earlier video in which he documented his son's growing attachment to the toy, starting at age 2.

[via WOW]

Previously: Video: Seagull Swipes Camera From Tourist, Films Beautiful Sunset [Updated]