Been wondering what the heck to do on 4/20? Hit the bong and head over to Roxie Theater. They just announced yesterday that they'll be co-presenting with IndieFest a screening of Dark Side of Oz — mood enhancer not included. For those who haven't been privy to the uncannily synchronous pairing of The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon (check it out here on Vimeo), let the Roxie's description of the phenomenon be your guide:

In 1939, four burnt-out rockers - excuse me, four burnt-out MUSICIANS - wrote and recorded an instant-classic quadraphonic LP about insanity and the overwhelming demands of international touring. In 1972/73, a litany of writers and directors and up-and-coming gay icons overcame all odds (and dwarf suicides!) to create the most beloved fantasy movie musical of all time. Oh wait, did we mix up some facts there? Sort of like how one could theoretically mix up the movie and soundtrack and it would PERFECTLY SYNC TOGETHER? Why would anyone do that? Especially on a day where EVERYONE IS HIGH? I guess you could just show up at the Roxie and hope for the best?

Confession: SFist ironically attended a laser light show — our one and only laser light show — set to the Dark Side of Oz back in the late '90s.

Happy 4/20!