FILM: Kevin Epps' much anticipated follow up to 2003’s groundbreaking, and widely acclaimed documentary Straight Outta Hunter's Point, Straight Outta Hunter's Point 2 offers an updated glimpse "with the unrelenting eye of an embedded war journalist," into the community that he still calls home and that most San Francisco residents "avoid at any cost." (7 p.m., Roxie Theater, 3117 16th Street)
BENEFIT: Over a dozen theater organizations nationwide are taking part in Shinsai: Theaters for Japan, in remembrance of last year's devastating tsunami, featuring a menu of 10 minute plays and songs commissioned from major American and Japanese artists. The Japan Playwrights Association will be disbursing funds from tonight's donations to the Japanese theater community affected by the disaster. (5:30 to 7:30 p.m., NOHspace Theater, 2840 Mariposa Street)
COMEDY: Comedian Sean Keane headlines tonight's A Funny Night for Comedy, which is hosted by Natasha Muse and her side-kick Ryan Cronin, in which they'll ask guest comedians Mike Spiegelman, Kelly Anneken and Brian Fields a variety of strange questions in a late-night talk show format, "except it's in the early-evening. and it's not on television. And it's funny." (7 p.m., Actors Theatre of San Francisco, 855 Bush Street)