On the heels of last week's hot topic surrounding kids in restaurants which also brought up the typical debate in the comments over whether kids should be allowed on planes, we found ourselves experiencing a blissfully unremarkable flight with our toddler from SFO to San Diego yesterday. Granted, the flight was short, our kid's a well-behaved frequent flyer, and we came prepared with an arsenal of activities and snacks, including delicious roasted seaweed (aka, toddler crack), but we give much credit to this fabulous SFO Activity Book for setting the stage for us.

Be sure to pick one up from the nice folks at the SFO information booth next time you travel. The coloring book, which we discovered was published back in 2007, also comes with a set of primary-colored crayons, and as you can see from photo #3, the red crayon takes the coloring book to a whole other level.