- A Castro Camp-out and a proposed ban on camping in the Castro were both derided as stunts. Either way camping in the Castro is now a thing that is legislated. [SFAppeal]
- The Brant Brothers are the world's luckiest teenage homosexuals. [Gawker]
- If you can't afford that fancy $35,000-a-head fundraiser for Obama, you might consider $100 tickets to a Soundgarden benefit concert for Obama. [Chron]
- Hayes Valley news: Café Altano closes, Nojo now does lunch. [Tablehopper]
- Richmond Cop under investigation after tweeting about shooting SOPA hackers with guns. [Chron]
- You can get high on your composting dirt, apparently. [TheAtlantic]
- A real life scene from Blue Velvet plays out in the Mission. [UptownAlmanac]