In a move that should surprise exactly zero people the ambiguously named Environmental Council filed an appeal of the America's Cup environmental impact report last Friday, effectively putting any planning for the 2013 event on hold until the Board of Supervisors can hold a hearing on the matter.

The Environmental Council, made up of such such classic neighborhood and activists groups as: the Telegraph Hill Dwellers, the Golden Gate Audubon Society, San Francisco Tomorrow and Waterfront Watch, filed their report after the Planning Commission unanimously approved the A-Cup EIR last week, but the Board Clerk's office made the appeal official on Monday afternoon.

The Board hearing has not yet been scheduled because the Supes are out on holiday recess this week, but we can expect at least one lengthy meeting filled with excessive public comments come January.

In the meantime, here's that probably staged, but still spectacular capsizing AC45 yacht from the A-Cup practice runs back in June:
