Olympic Gold Medalist, TV Chef and street food enthusiast Brian Boitano will make an appearance at the Union Square holiday skating rink tonight for a very special mash-up of ice skating and speed dating. How does the dating and skating thing work? Well, we're not entirely sure either.

Presumably one must shyly skate in circles making eyes at attractive, or at least interesting-looking, potential life partners while hoping one of them will come strike up a conversation when one inevitably lands on one's ass. There might also be some polite chit chat and music appropriate for awkward hand-holding as well.

Organizers tell us attendees are encouraged to break out the whacky holiday-inspired sweaters "to get the conversation going" and mistletoe headbands will be handed out to the first 100 people who show up. Brian Boitano will appear from 8 - 9 p.m, hopefully in a looking resplendent in a leotard, to meet skaters and sign autographs. There's no cooking demonstration scheduled, sadly, but Emporio Rulli Il Caffe is right there on the square in case you need to get drunk.

The whole event runs tonight, December 1st from 8 - 9:30 p.m.