Michael Petrelis brings word of a Tenderloin tearoom we never knew existed. (A tearoom, for those not in the know, is a bastion of public gay male sex. Hubba hubba.) Petrelis writes: "The all-male Tearoom Theater on [145] Eddy Street in the Tenderloin, which provides an array of fine adult erotic flicks, go-go boys at certain times and safe sexual releases for consenting men of all races, shapes and economic status, is conducting what I believe is their first-ever customer satisfaction survey." A novel idea to a dwindling industry, yes? What does said survey look like? Behold:

Cute! And they even give a shout-out to the Bay Area Reporter. Sadly, there's no field to comment on their vividly retro website. We digress.

So, have you and your filthy little paws been to the Tearoom Theater? If so, please explain to our readership what it was like.

Here's a list of other tearooms in San Francisco. Oh look! Here's another list of tearooms in San Francisco.