After last night's news of Osama bin Laden's death, the world reacted in their various ways:

In immediate local news:

From various media outlets outside the Bay:

  • The New York Times published bin Laden's obituary[NYTimes]

  • The Chronicle: US Kills Osama bin Laden decade after 9/11 attacks. [Chronicle]

  • It took about 20 minutes for Google to pinpoint bin Laden's Abbottabad, Pakistan hideout on a map. And not much longer for someone to figure out he was 4 blocks away from a police station the whole time. [Atlantic]

  • ABC News got their hands on footage from inside the mansion where the terrorist leader was killed (Bloody footage, possibly NSFW). [Gizmodo]

  • After news reports preempted scheduled TV shows, American's complained. In some small way the terrorists still won. [WhiteWhine]

    In other, relatively unimportant non-bin Laden local news: