MUSIC/ART: Experience the Sights and Sounds of Punks in Contemporary Mexico tonight with an artist’s talk by Juan Luna-Avin, who traces the history of punk music in Mexico from the late 1970s to the present in a lecture format, accompanied by lively music samples, DIY videos and interviews of key characters from the scene, followed by a live performance by punk band Desmadre en Krisis.

7:30 p.m. // Southern Exposure (3030 20th Street) // free

NATURE/PHOTOGRAPHY: At tonight's Nightlife, nature photographer and author Ian Shive will give a lecture on how composition, layers, color, and light not only tell a story but also capture the raw emotion of nature, along with a premiere screening of Shive's new short film, America’s Galapagos: The Channel Islands.

6 to 10 p.m. // California Academy of Science (55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park) // $10-12

TALK: The Electronic Frontier Foundation helps us navigate the changing technological landscape and how to protect our rights at Government Surveillance in a Digital World. Learn about what the government can legally do to spy on your computer data and communications and what can you legally do to protect yourself against such spying.

7 p.m. // Intersection 5M (925 Mission Street) // $5-15