San Francisco's Beer Week--which started on Friday--runs until the 20th of this month. So if your Valentine's Day ends up being craptastic, there are still 200+ events that will not only drown your sorrows but hit them like a tsunami. Here are twenty of them worthy of your beer googles:

Beer and Ice Cream Floats
Every day of Beer Week
Chile Pies & Ice Cream, 601 Baker.
They're featuring Bison Organic Beer along with their organic ice cream. Beer floats are disgustingly good like concession stand nachoes (you know you love them!).

Magnolia's Cole Porter Ale on Elixir's Buffalo Trace Barrel
Every day of Beer Week, 2:00 pm - 2:00 am
Elixir, 3200 16th Street
About 2.5 months Elixir gave Dave McLean an empty whiskey barrel and he filled it with his Cole Porter Ale. It is now ready for tapping, plus Elixir is one of SF's oldest bars and just plain cool.

St. Valentine's Day Massacre
February 14 6:00 pm - 12:00 am
Noc Noc, 557 Haight
Noc Noc is what it is like to live inside an Oingo Boingo album and the perfect place to celebrate prohibition! They'll have 6 exclusive Speakeasy beers on draft, which are hand-made right here in SF.