Over at Inside Scoop today, Michael Bauer interviewed Tara Evans, a staunch pie advocate and part of the Pie Extremist Group. What is the Pie Extremist Group? In Evans own words, "We meet, and eat pie. The Pie Extremist Group has only one statement: Pie=Love."

Simple enough, right? That is, unless you loathe pie. For some, warm fruit and lard-based crusts make their head explode. And not in a good way. Does Evans have an equally strong hatred for delicious cake, pie's arch-villain? Perish the thought. We asked Evans to give SFist her thoughts on cake. She explains:

Pie=Love but cake is great. Cake=Love! There have been people who have brought cake to the pie groups, thinking they would start a debate... but we all just siddled up forks and enjoyed. Pie=Love is more about the thought of appreciation of things that make us happy... whatever they may be. The Pie Extremist Group, while the name might not imply it, are really all inclusive. There is so much needed debate in this world... but pie vs. cake? Please.

Aw. Piece peace at last.

If you want to join the Pie Extremist Group, find them on Facebook. They've also organized a Sweetie Pie and Art Fest on Saturday from 5-9 p.m. at 111 Minna Gallery.