The way we see it, there are two things you can do tomorrow afternoon to assert yourself as a responsible citizen of the world: show up to AT&T Park around 11 a.m. to celebrate the World Series-winning San Francisco Giants, or show up to U.N. Plaza around 1 p.m. to protest the civil liberties-suppressing regime of outgoing Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak. (Technically, you can try to make it to both things, but good luck if you plan to use any kind of public transportation.)

So which will it be? Fear the beard or fear the bread? Below are some points to consider while you agonize over this decision.

  • Location. Judging by the way we San Franciscans feel about their respective namesakes, it would make more sense to protest at AT&T Park or to celebrate at U.N. Plaza. It’ll still sound weird if you chant “iPhone on Verizon!” in either place, but why risk it?
  • The crowd. The Egypt rally’s Facebook page has almost 1450 confirmed guests at present, which means it’s anyone’s guess as to how many people will actually show up. Meanwhile, Shana Daum, spokeswoman for the Giants, predicts a healthy throng. “We usually have around 20,000 people,” she told KTVU, “but we’re ready for 40,000.”
  • Social media. The organizers of the Egypt solidarity rally are mobilizing supporters largely through Facebook, not to mention the crucial role Twitter has played once again in allowing protesters to coordinate with one another and letting reporters communicate their whereabouts. But then Brian Wilson is back on Twitter.
  • The throwing of things. Tim Lincecum throws a sick fastball, but how is he with a rock? Not that you’re likely to find out either way tomorrow, unless things get wildly out of hand.
  • Your wardrobe. Giants colors are black and orange. The Egyptian flag is black and red. (Black and yellow for the Steelers, green and yellow for the Packers—but that’s a choice for Sunday.) Which cause looks better on you?
  • (by Daniel Levin Becker)