Ingmar Guandique, a 29-year-old Salvadoran immigrant, was found guilty today for the murder of Chandra Levy, the intern who was said to be having an affair with CA congressman Gary Condit. Guandique was first charged in the 2001 murder in April of last year, after he was already serving a sentence for assaulting a woman in the same park where Levy's body was found. Jurors deliberated for four days before reaching their verdict.

Condit testified a couple of weeks ago that he had nothing to do with Levy's disappearance or murder, but the defense tried to argue that the same tunnel vision with which police went after Condit nine years ago was being refocused on Guandique. Guandique's DNA was never found on Levy, however the most damning testimony came from a fellow inmate who claimed Guandique had bragged in prison about killing Levy, but not raping her.

Levy grew up in Modesto, and went to SF State.