STORYTELLING: Tonight's the Halloween installment of Muni Diaries Live!, featuring story tellers Derek Powazek (Fray Magazine), comedian Bucky Sinister, and Isaac Fitzgerald (The Rumpus), along with author Andrew Lam (Perfume Dreams and East Eats West). Tara the Sea Shanty Songstress will also perform.
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. // Make-Out Room (3225 22nd St) // $5
ART: YBCA hosts an Opening Night Party for two new exhibitions, Audience as Subject, which explores "what we collectively become when we gather together to participate in a common experience," and Yoshua Okón's video installations built on improvisational narratives created by the artist and his collaborators. San Francisco instrumental rock duo Mental 99 will perform.
8 to 11 p.m. // Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (701 Mission St) // $5-7
PERFORMANCE: Stijn Schiffeleers and Michael Swaine host We Are All Together Alone in the Wilderness, a multimedia performance inspired by natural elements, featuring a musical sewing machine, Beat Blocks, a tree stump record player/recorder, a canoe, buckets, and a two-person saw. There will also be a screening of Alone in the Wilderness, an account of the daily life of naturalist Richard Louis "Dick" Proenneke in the high mountains of Alaska.
8 to 10 p.m. // Southern Exposure (3030 20th St) // free