COMEDY: For one night only at the Dark Room, conceptual artist Spy Emerson presents Happy Forever: The Life and Death of an Italian Cat, based on her experiences as a crewmember of the acclaimed Swimming Cities art projects. The cast includes Dottie Lux of Red Hots Burlesque, poetic luminary Dr. Hal Robins, and Gooby Herms, among other local talents.

7, 8 and 9 p.m. // The Dark Room Theater (2263 Mission St) // $6

MUSIC: Head over to Bottom of the Hill for a night of folk, Americana, rock, country, goth, you name it, featuring Slim Cessna's Auto Club, Four Year Bender, and T and A.

10 p.m. // Bottom of the Hill (1233 17th St) // $12

CLUB: Is there really any contest? Bootie SF presents Lady GaGa Vs. Madonna, featuring mashups by A+D and Smash-Up Derby throughout the night.

9 p.m. // DNA Lounge (375 11th S) // $6-12