During yesterday's annual Super Bowl jubilation, an Antioch man was shot and killed over a reneged bet/drunken behavior.

An initial investigation, according to the Contra Costa Times, claimed that a Super Bowl party in the 900 block of San Carlos Drive, "one of the partygoers made a bet on the game during the broadcast but retracted his bet as soon as it looked like he wasn't going to win." Then, as logic would dictate, this sparked fury among the guests, sparking an argument lasting "well past the end of the game."

After the game, "the argument made its way outside, and the deceased man, who lives at the home, told everyone to leave." Which is when several guests refused to leave. So, the man went inside the home and came back outside with a handgun."

The unidentified victim, eschewing his buddy's pleas to put away the gun, was killed a short time later, dead from a gunshot wound to the head.

And, yes, the details do seem a bit sketchy. We know. That's because, as Lt. Leonard Orman explained to the CoCo Times, "several witness statements were questionable because of the level of intoxication at the party."

In related news, for better or for worse, the New Orleans Saints won yesterday's game.

Update: It looks like, according to KTVU, the Antioch man "appears to have shot himself in the head," meaning that the 28-year-old host "committed suicide or shot himself accidentally." Huh. Bizarre.