On January 30, celebrate the passing of Roe v. Wade (the court officially issued its decision on January 22, 1973) a screening of Dirty Dancing. (Revelation time: Your editor has never seen this iconic movie about, we can only assume, unkempt choreography. Yeah. We know. Even though it's got the mind-numbingly talented Jerry Orbach and Kelly Bishop in it, we just never managed to see Dirty Dancing. We don't even know who "Baby" is, exactly, or why she was christened with such an unfortunate name. But apparently, someone in the film has a botched abortion, hence its screening later this month for abortion rights.)

Best of all, proceeds go to benefit ACCESS. Around since 1993, ACCESS, according to its site, "exists to make reproductive health and choice a concrete reality -- not just a theoretical right -- for all women." That is to say, they use a combination of direct services, community education and policy advocacy "to promote real reproductive options and access to quality health care for low-income and uninsured women, young women, immigrant women and women in rural or isolated areas."

Did we mention there will be a costume contest as well? And free beer? Get cracking.

What: A Film Experience To Benefit ACCESS
When: 6 p.m., Saturday, January 30
Where: Delancey Screening Room, 600 Embarcadero
Tickets: $25