At the risk of sounding un-democratic, we hate the whole voter-approved proposition system and we think you do too. Even the most educated voters don't tend to know enough about both sides of issues -- particularly when it comes to esoteric accounting procedures and the issuing of multi-billion-dollar bonds -- to vote intelligently, let alone voters who don't like to read, or think. Prop 8, and all similar discriminatory propositions in the state's history (Prop 6 in 1976, which figured in the Milk film, and Prop 14 in 1964, which was overwhelmingly approved and which allowed landlords to discriminate based on race) are perfect examples of how easily the system can be abused, and how dangerous a role it can play.

And when the state decides to have a special election -- like the one we're having next week, on May 19, in which there are only 6 propositions that no one has even heard about because barely anyone has bothered to spend money on ad campaigns -- it begs the question, why do we even bother having an elected legislature if we still have to vote on all the big decisions?