Now that swine flu hysteria is taking root, Sacramento County may have uncovered a case of swine flu, according to the Sacramento County Health Officer Dr. Glennah Trochet. This would make it Northern California's first case, with 40 cases already being reported throughout the U.S. "We do have a possible case of a student at St. Mel school in Fair Oaks," claimed Trochet. "Out of an abundance of caution, we have recommended that the school close until we can identify if this virus is indeed the swine flu virus," she said. In related news, the U.S. will begin monitoring the Mexico border, "asking people about fever and illness, looking for people who are ill." Also, the U.S. is asking residents not to travel to Mexico while the public health emergency is underway, even though Obama claims there is not a cause for alarm. (Note: You cannot catch swine flu by eating pork.)