And now for our third SFIAAFF/Castro Theatre ticket giveaway. Write a haiku using the words "gay," "teen," and "love," and enter to win a pair of tickets to The Love of Siam on Saturday afternoon. The winner will be notified tomorrow morning.

"Two teenage boys come to terms with their own affections (and one’s family tragedy) in this groundbreaking gay romance. This family drama/teen love story/ pop-culture phenomenon won most of Thailand’s best-film awards, and ignited a frenzy of web-blogs, message boards, and online fan fiction that continued the narrative." The Love of Siam is also showing at Camera Cinemas in San Jose a week from Sunday.

Congratulations, noah228!

We still have two more giveaways for Sunday at Castro Theatre, so stay tuned!

The Love of Siam | SFIAAFF | Castro Theatre, 429 Castro St, SF | Saturday, March 14 at 2:15 p.m., Sunday, March 22 at 2:00 p.m. (Camera 12 Cinemas, San Jose) | $10