CLUB: A benefit for a What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? parody? Sure, we can get behind that. Head on down to SoMa this evening to catch drag and Burlesque performances by Matthew Martin, Katya Smirnoff Skyy, Trauma Flinstone, Alotta Boutte, Virginia Suicide, Dottie Lux, Pink Key Lee, Pqoc, and more. If trannies on a stage isn't your thing, then check out the carnival games and sideshows going on all night long.

10 p.m. - 3 a.m. // The Stud (399 9th Street) // $5-10 donation

FILM: Cult favorite Donnie Darko (2001) screens in the Haight. It's the director's cut, by the way, so there will be even more Jake Gyllenhaal to love.

7 p.m., 9:40 // Red Vic (1727 Haight) // $8.50

COMEDY: The Sound of Young America Live with Jesse Thorn. Comedy from Sean Cullen (Comedy Central, Corky & the Juice Pigs), interviews with punk rock legend Jello Biafra, political stalwart (and standup comic) Tom Ammiano, and music from Bay Area Hip-Hop Superstars Zion I and Kasper Hauser (with a new This American Life parody!)

8 p.m. // Cobb's Comedy Club (215 Jackson) // $20