For those of you not interested on watching US presidential contenders John McCain and Barack Obama call each other a "terrorist sympathizer" and "creepy old man with one foot in the grave," be sure to check out tonight's District 9 debate. Theyll tet-a-tet on such topics as the best bar bathroom in which to blow rails, how to reduce pangs of guilt brought on by displacing that family of eight who used to occupy your condo conversion, the best place to find Dave Eggers sulking, and how to get that indifferent je ne sa quoi while cruising along Valencia Street. or so we assume.

Sweet Melissa's Melissa Griffin will moderate the hair pulling.

The debate starts at 7:30p.m. at the Victoria Theatre. But until then, feel free to judge the candidates -- David Campos, Mark Sanchez, Eric Storey, Eva Royale, and Tom Valtin -- based solely on their mugs above. Or head over to Mission Mission to find out more.