We don't actually know if anything on this poster, taped to a utility box at Fulton and Stanyan, is true, and we certainly don't want to entangle ourselves into the story by calling to verify. The epic tale is exhausting and an obvious drama-trap -- so let's sum it up: Someone feels that some girl named Jennifer took advantage of them. But it's not like they made it very hard for Jennifer to do:

...she got me to buy a used RV (pictured below) and register it in her name with me as the lien holder. She was supposedly going to work for a few months and then purchase it with the money she made, while I would own and use it in the interim to house a crew to put an initiative on the ballot of make marijuana offenses the lowest police priority in Santa Barbara.

Ah. Are you beginning to formulate a bit of a character sketch of this victim? We might now speculate as to the reason that a confidence trickster might determine that they'd found an easy mark.

The world would be very awesome indeed if everyone was very very cool to each other, and you could trust absolutely everyone you met. It would also be awesome if we had a flying rainbow pony. When your inner critic says "no," sometimes, it's best to listen -- otherwise, you might wind up hearing it say, "toldja so."