Guess who's back talking about MUNI for the ABC 7 I-Team?????? (4:33 on the video). Since Gavin hasn't done anything outrageous lately, Dan Noyes turns his attention to the perennial favorite of complaining about MUNI -- this time discovering the name of the driver who's gotten the most citizen complaints (for ignoring a beating at the back of the bus, refusing to call the police on pickpockets, and swearing at passengers, to name a few.) SFist MattyMatt is, awesomely, playing the role of expert MUNI rider activist in this clip. "It's up to the people who actually use Muni .... to come in and say, 'All right, well we expect more. We want Muni to be better than it is.'" Hear, hear!! (And we love your shirt, SFist MattyMatt!)

Early-morning ferry commuters got a surprise at around 6:45 a.m. this morning, when someone on the back deck of the Larkspur Ferry at Tiburon noticed a naked woman flailing in the water. They alerted the captain, who immediately swung the boat around and pulled the woman out with a life preserver. The woman seemed to have suffered some kind of psychotic break, and claimed she'd been in the water all night after jumping in "under duress" to escape from hell. A witness also took what look like pictures on a cell phone, which you can see here.

And finally -- the guy who blew up the Macarthur Maze is out of the hospital. He's still not talking to the press.