We’ll start off this review by saying we love Stella Artois…or more specifically the free Stellas we had at the mini-beer garden before the midnight horror movie screening of at the SFIFF.

When we went up to get a beer, the bartender tells us to just grab one. “They’re free?” we ask. “Yup, they’re free,” he replies. That’s why we love Stella Artois.

Cold Prey is a Norwegian slasher flick about five youngsters on a ski vacation who end up at an abandoned hotel due to an injury (that was itself as gruesome as some of the slayings) on the slopes -- and you pretty much know what else happens, right? We don’t want to ruin it for you but saying that a lot of people die probably isn’t giving away too much.

A surprising lack of stoned snowboarders in the crowd, a horror movie trivia contest, and some pretty good scares after the jump!

Cold Prey