As usual, there was a bit of a commemeration of the '06 quake, although much smaller than last year's gala Earthquakepalooza. Instead of the thousands who showed up last year, there were only a couple of hundred. And it looks like we're down to just one survivor-- 104 year old Herbert Hamrol, who actually said he took a day off from work to attend the ceremony. And he was being serious.

The celebration usually begins at 5 in the morning at Lotta's Fountain at Market and Kearny. There was also a celebration at a fire hydrant at 20th and Church Streets in honor of the only fire hydrant that worked that morning.

If you want to see video of the event, ABC 7 and KTVU have news reports. The Chron also has some nice pictures of the event. Check out the photo of a Gavin wearing a Giants hat (must be hard to gel your hair at 5 in the morning) with Jen at his side.

We've actually spent hours looking for the climatic scene in the movie San Francisco featuring Jeanette MacDonald singing "San Francisco Open Your Golden Gate" but have yet to find it. We have, however, found the video of the actual earthquake scene from the movie. Check it out.