Somehow, Andy Ross got his hands on Dan's e-mails to Benefits Magazine head honcho Tim Gaskin and then contacted Dan to get a comment. Which Dan did and then to show he's got nothing to hide, posted his correspondences on his I-Team blog.

Why is this a story of interest? Because, well, it's looking like we have a little competition going between the two-biggest/baddest investigative teams in the city. Yes, it's an investigative team catfight.


Now why would M&R write that little blurb? Andy Ross contacted Noyes a little later saying he just thought it was an interesting blurb because they like to write about "high-profile personalities" and Dan is one. And yes, Dan lays in the sales-pitch pretty thick, but essentially, M&R are making a somewhat big deal about Dan merely doing his job. We also highly doubt M&R are not laying the sales pitch pretty thick themselves in an attempt to get a sit-down with Ruby. After all, an interview with Mrs. Tourk is probably the biggest "get" a reporter in this town can get. Are M&R trying to brown-nose their way into Mrs. Tourk's heart? Is Tim Gaskin, the one who forwarded Dan's e-mails to M&R more of a Channel 5 fan? Or is it just some healthy competition between everyone?

Let the cat fur fly.