A science fair with open mic? Awesome! Dorkbot is a monthly meeting of artists, designers, engineers, students and any interested parties who gather to share ideas and projects relating to any form of electronic art. There's usually a DJ and a bar, not to mention it's a good forum for discussions about technology, art and culture.

When: Tonight @ 7:30pm

Where: Hosted by Scott Arford of 7hz, at 1814 Illinois Street (off 3rd and Marin), San Francisco. Free (donations accepted) -- though they do, however, recommend you BYOC (C stands for "chair").

In addition to the presenters, attendees are allowed to "open dork,"or present for 5-10 minutes on projects and gadgets in process. Contact dorkbot to sign up for a slot or to sign up for monthly flyers for events.

Information about this month's speakers after the jump. (Trillions of copyright violations? Sign us up!).

Image by tonight's Dorkbot host, Scott Arford.

SFist Jenna goes electric!