brit_bronstein.jpgOkay, so let's see, what do we have here... a 1) Catherine Bigelow-penned blog entry featuring 2) Britney Spears's bald head grafted onto the bodies of 3) local politicians and 4) Pac Heights celebutantes!! Over on our beloved former co-editor's new online adventure, with the pictures done by our very favorite co-editor's spouse! AAAAAAH!!!! We just died again from the excitement!!!

Check out Britney Mirkarimi up on your left, and Britney Bronstein on your right -- we'll let you discover Britney Newsom (not to be confused with Brittan- Newsom), Britney Gonzalez, Britney Getty, and Britneys Tourk and Ragone on your own (along with others which we won't even spoil for you). Meanwhile, we're going to get fitted for our angel halo and wings up here in blogger heaven -- watch us rock out Joanna Newsom-style on the Movable Type harp!
