Last night, it was weird to see an unmarked white work truck show up on our street after 10 p.m. We have long held fantasies about being a private investigator or lately, a bounty hunter (hence our Dog the Bounty Hunter pic. Wish you were here to help, man). But last night, crime went down in a way that only left us filled with questions.

It was both thrilling and sad to watch potential crime unfold on our block. Sure, there are constant construction and work crews: SBC, PG&E, you name it, within a one block radius. Big difference, because that work always takes place during the day, never at 10 p.m. at night.

Once the unmarked white work truck was parked on our street, two beefy men in orange vests and white hard hats (all apparel also unmarked) got out. Both men were white and in their thirties or early forties. One was strawberry blond, bearded and had a sizable gut. The truck had a lift, and the non beer belly "worker" got in. He was fiddling with the tubes and wires that are above every building on our block.

We guessed this might be copper thieves at work.

SFist Mary, contributing.

Find out more about the copper market, after the jump!