You know everyone on the Muni board THINKS it, but we've really got to admire someone who actually comes out and says that they've got better stuff to worry about than busses and trains. Tom Nolan, Gavin's recent nominee for the board, has experience working for a sunshine ordinance committee, SamTrans, Caltrain, and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission; most recently, he's worked for Project Open Hand, about which he says, and we quote, "Project Open Hand is my number one priority."
He was responding to criticism from Michael Petrelis, a local activist who gained some renown by fighting for the rights of bathhouses, as well as for (update) denying a connection between HIV and AIDS collaborating with activists who deny a connection between HIV and AIDS. Michael questioned whether Tom would be able to devote his time to both Project Open Hand and Muni ... and to be fair, Tom simply replied that he won't. Touché!
Next up, the Supes get to vote on whether to accept Gavin's nominee; the fact that both the mayor AND the Supes get to politically meddle with the MTA can be the topic of another irate post.