• About $6 million's going to Muni, the Karl Pilkington of transit agencies, to continue work on the 3rd Street Light Rail. That's sure to go well.

  • We'll be getting $91,000 in bike lane improvements, including better lanes on Market and in a region that is officially known -- we're not making this up -- as "The Wiggle."

  • It's time to redesign Folsom Street -- there's been a study on redesigning the place to be more friendly to the people who live/work there. Making things more complicated is the vehicular traffic on Folsom; some folks like the cars and want them to stay. It looks like we'll be heading towards getting one-lane streets with bike lanes, nicer sidewalks, and traffic-calming doohickeys. All contractors will be required to wear chaps and handlebar moustaches, and supervisors must carry riding crops.

  • Studies on bus-rapid-transit lanes on Van Ness and Geary are still ongoing.

  • Some lady named Elizabeth Bent is getting not-less-than $50,000 for the next six months to help the SFCTA with planning. Not a bad gig.

  • Surprise! More problems along 3rd St: apparantly a prior contractor didn't so such a hot job installing conduits, and now they're having trouble pulling new cables. It's always something over there.