Everybody may or may not hate Chris Daly, but we all agree -- everybody looooooves little Jack! Your Junkie's Best Celebrity of 2005, resplendent in his orange Che Guevara onesie, graciously received guests and some indulgent knee-bouncing as his hard-working daddy mixed drinks on a bar that might just very well be at which he pens his blistering e-missives to Mayor (and constituent?) Gavin Newsom.

Last Friday, Chris Daly's office hosted an opening party for their ongoing art exhibition of Mark Ellinger's photographs of Tenderloin and SoMA SROs. (The picture at the right is "Forgotten," from the exhibition.) Of course we stopped by -- dragging SFist Eve along with us!

As we arrived, those in the know informed us that we had just missed Daly throwing Luke Thomas from the Sentinel out of the party -- but the bouncer/bartender/host seemed in a remarkably good mood when we saw him, greeting constituents and mixing up martinis and bourbon-based drinks like a pro. And extra style points for the keg in the corner -- when we saw it, we noticed ourselves reflexively crouching down into our trademark pre-headstand stance. Man, it's been how long since college?

A framed copy of the SF Weekly's "Worst Local Politician" award, a list of the books on Daly's shelf, and action photos of District 6's finest mixing a drink to order, after the jump!

Picture by Mark Ellinger. The show is ongoing in Daly's office through this month in City Hall Room 273.

the very same desk