at The Marsh
Republicans need love, too. Especially in San Francisco, where even Barbara Boxer practically gets assaulted by protestors. So, performers and SF Mime Troupe veterans Amos Glick and Ed Holmes, playing the leaders of the free world, attempt to infiltrate one of the last liberal strongholds of the country in hopes of converting the lefties to the Dark Side right. This "Republican Outreach Cabaret" features Dubya's vocal talents, Dick's soft-shoes moves, and even Dubya's very own speeches, written all by himself without any help from anyone. (Now that's something you won't see on tonight's State of the Union.) Wow, mommy must be so proud! In fact, it's rumored that Barbara may help out with her son's show. If nothing else, she may be able to keep those hecklers out of the audience during the press conference.
Playing February 2 through 25

Photo: Amos Glick and Ed Holmes.

The Dick 'n Dubya Show