While SFist appreciates the need for fund-raising and can certainly understand the desire to raise as much money as possible within a set time frame, we also wonder if there's room for a new pledge model: quit the drive the minute the goal-meeting pledge rolls in. We bet that model would get a lot of takers too -- we've already debated the merits of asking the nice volunteer on the other end of the phone line whether he or she can yank one of the guilt-tripping pledge pleas off the air in exchange for us bypassing the free-gift-with-pledge we're supposed to get.

Owing to the vagaries of the commute, SFist listens to about two hours of KQED each day -- enough to have made up lyrics to the intro music for both "Morning Edition" and "All Things Considered" -- and considers California-based "Marketplace" and KQED's own "The California Report" to be daily must-listens. Support the great programming and pledge, would you?

Image of the KQED long-sleeved t-shirt in sage green -- yours with a pledge of $120 -- from the KQED pledge gift page.

By SFist Lisa, contributing