Ahh, the allure of the world wide web. How well SFist remembers those first months out of college, working a real job. While we were being trained we had an inordinate amount of time to explore the web and all the wonderful sites on it. Our love affair with the web has dulled somewhat over the years, as being chained to a computer for twelve hours a day has lost some of its appeal. Occasionally we still come across something that makes us fall in love with the web all over again.

Today Jason Shiga provides a reason to be on the web more (check out his favorite website tip). As if Jason hasn’t given enough to all of us already—amazing comic strips like "Fleep", books like "BookHunter" and the joy of knowing that all that genius was born in Oakland. East Bay represent! On a more personal level, SFist is thrilled that someone who has been profiled by Time Magazine would do an interview with us. If you’ve never read Jason’s comics, you’ve been missing out. But that’s what New Year’s resolutions are all about.