Oh boy, here we go again. Friend of SFist Thomas Hawk was happily snapping away yesterday when he was accosted by a security guard. His heinous crime? Taking pictures of the building at One Bush Plaza -- a modernist gem designed by local architects Skidmore, Owings and Merrill.

Obivously the guard has been told by his superiors to be on the lookout for evil camera-wielding terrorists, and is simply taking his job rather more seriously than we might. Of course, if a bomb-wielding terrorist were to drop by, we seriously doubt that they would be so dumb as to show up ahead of time and take pictures -- when the could get pictures and structural details any time they want online. Telephoto lenses and a hidden camera would also seem to be the logical choice for surveillance without having to worry about pesky security guards, but don't tell anyone you got that idea from us!

Matthew Honan is holding a contest -- send him a photo of One Bush Plaza, and you could win a $10 gift certificate to the iTunes Music Store. And in the comments to Thomas' post, it's been suggested that folks meetup at noon on Saturday to take pictures as a group. We say let 'em know you're coming so that they'll be waiting for you with open arms!